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Benefits of taking a cold shower

 We all like to take a shower with warm or cold water, not too cold, and we do not know the benefits of taking a cold shower. There is no doubt that waking up in the cold of winter and opening the ice water to you is difficult. And if you used to do this every morning, you'll find yourself motivated to do other useful things in your day. Important things that you know well are essential to your growth. This is why most people prefer to take a hot bath, and taking a hot bath is beneficial for many, but studies have shown that the benefits of taking a cold shower have amazing benefits for the body.

Benefits of taking a cold shower

1.Cold shower benefits

Benefits of taking a cold shower

1. Activate the immune system

Bathing in cold water helps activate the immune system, as it helps to release white blood cells, which increases immunity and prevents exposure to various diseases and viruses.

2. Enhance body energy

Running cold water while you shower helps increase the amount of oxygen and blood flow towards your brain, which helps boost your body's energy, keeping you energized throughout the day.

3. Improve blood circulation

Showering with cold water helps the blood to move to the different parts of the body, compared to hot water, which leads to the flow of blood only to the surface of the skin, and for this, we find that cold water is better because it helps to strengthen it. Arteries prevent clogging and reduce high blood pressure.

4. Mood booster

Bathing in cold water in winter affects cold receptors on the skin, which helps the body to send electrical impulses from nerve endings to the brain, which helps regulate mood, prevent depression and get rid of stress and anxiety.

5. Reducing muscle pain

We always notice that athletes are keen to take a cold bath after exercise, and this is because bathing with cold water helps relieve muscle pain and relax them.

6. Maintains healthy skin and hair 

Bathing in hot water may cause the skin to become dry, as well as itchy scalp and dandruff, unlike cold water, which preserves the natural oils secreted by the skin and scalp, making the skin soft and helping to keep the hair shiny and free of dandruff.

2.Cold shower benefits for skin

Benefits of taking a cold shower

We used to think that a cold shower could give us a boost of energy and help wake us up in the morning. But taking cold showers has some aesthetic benefits as well. Taking a short bath with cold or cold water is an easy beauty trick that can have an amazing effect on your skin. We will learn how your skin can benefit from a daily cold shower. 

  1. Tightens the pores. 
  2. Helps nourish the skin.
  3. Prevents skin aging.
  4. Gives your skin a healthy glow.
  5. Relieves discomfort from some skin diseases.
  6. Prevents stress-related skin diseases.
  • Water helps the skin to retain and increase its moisture, and protects it from dehydration, in addition to protecting the lips from peeling and cracking, and moisturizing them greatly.
  • Fights skin aging, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • Water reduces the appearance of skin pores less clearly and closes them, especially in cold weather. It also prevents the secretion of oil, reduces acne, and maintains the luster of the face.
  • Water reduces dark circles and circles under the eyes, and keeps them comfortable, revealing the skin in a very glowing and radiant way. 
  • Coldwater and cold weather enhance blood circulation in both the face and body, thus reducing inflammation and swelling in the eyes and face.
  • Coldwater refreshes the skin by dramatically regenerating skin cells and removing dead cells. 
  • Coldwater helps tighten the skin, as it closes open skin pores to prevent dirt from entering, unlike hot water, which opens these pores and dries the skin. 
  • Coldwater stimulates the response of the blood vessels in the face, thus the redness and redness of the cheeks and their appearance with a beautiful appearance.

3.Cold shower benefits after the workout

Benefits of taking a cold shower

There are many benefits of taking a cold shower after exercise, and they are:

1. Stimulating blood circulation 

Coldwater continuously stimulates blood flow to the body's systems, strengthens the heart and blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, and opens closed arteries.

2. Muscle relaxation 

The use of cold water after exercise would relax the muscles of the body, and help to relax them, and directing cold water on them relieves the pain caused by the intensity of some exercises.

3. Increase alertness 

Taking a cold bath in the early hours of the morning improves breathing, increases the percentage of oxygen in the body in general, increases the number of heartbeats, and stimulates the blood to rush and reach all cells of the body, which supplies the body. The necessary energy and vitality.

4. Weight loss 

Aerobic exercises are not the only ones that can burn calories, as taking a shower in cold water increases the body's metabolic rate very dramatically, resulting in more calories being burned after exercise.

5. Reduce stress and fatigue 

Coldwater helps to get rid of symptoms of depression, by affecting sensory receptors in the skin and sending a very large number of electrical impulses from the end of the nerves to brain cells, which improves mood, as it reduces the level of uric acid, and increases the level of glutathione in the blood, which It increases the feeling of comfort.

4.Cold shower benefits for hair

Benefits of taking a cold shower

1- Benefits of showering with cold water for hair:

The idea of ​​showering with cold water may not be acceptable to many people, but they may reconsider the idea after knowing the benefits that indicate that cold water is the best option for hair, and among these benefits are the following:
  • Gives a shiny look and reduces frizz, What happens here is that when you shower with warm or hot water, the hair follicles open, and this is good when you put shampoo and conditioner on it, but keeping it open causes hair to be damaged after showering, so it is recommended that the last shower is With water, the cold helps close these pores, which leads to the hair remaining shiny and healthy for as long as possible.
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the scalp.This is because the cold water helps make the blood move more quickly, and it also helps in dilating the capillaries in the head area, so the capillaries get the nutrients they need in greater quantity, making them healthier and preventing hair loss.
  • It makes the scalp cleaner as mentioned earlier about open pores and how cold water helps close them. Leaving it open makes it more vulnerable to dirt and outside heat. Closing them helps protect them from these things and helps protect against hair loss. So it is recommended that the last shower is with cold water.

2- The benefits of showering with hot water

For hair, taking a hot shower indeed has benefits, but on the other hand, it can cause hair damage. This is because the hot water and steam help open the hair follicles, which is good at first; Because it helps to clean the scalp of dirt better, but keeping these pores open makes them more prone to dryness afterward, and dirt sticks to them more. Another thing that hot water can cause is to remove the natural oils from the hair. In the case of oily hair, it is a good thing; Because it removes excess oils, but in the case of normal or dry hair, it causes the removal of natural oils that give hair its moisture and protect it from heat, which leads to breakage of its ends and hair loss.

Best water temperature for hair 

Some may confuse which is best for hair, cold or hot water, and for this reason, experts have decided that the two are good for hair according to certain rules, including the following:

Use hot water for hair if the hair has the following characteristics:
  • If the hair type is wavy or fine. 
  • If the hair is very thick or very light. 
  • In the case of people who do not shower daily. 
  • If the hair is very greasy.

Use cold water for hair in the following cases:
  • In the case of curly hair
  • dry hair. 
  • If the hair is prone to breakage at the ends. 
  • The hair is of medium thickness. 
  • For people who shower daily. 
  • In the case of flyaway hair.

5-Cold shower benefits acne

Benefits of taking a cold shower

Do you suffer from annoying pimples and acne on your skin? The best and fastest way to treat this problem is to use cold water to wash your face 3 times a day. Ice cubes can also be used, and use them to massage the skin of the face several times a day. Although common types of medical and cosmetic treatments are available to treat acne and reduce its appearance, using cold water is a quick and safe way to stay away from any side effects to soothe skin infections.

The benefits of washing the face with cold water are not over yet, as cold water also contributes to all of the following:
  • Tightening the skin and reducing the sagging that occurs in it with age. 
  • Reducing the dark circles that abound around the eyes. 
  • Remove dead cells and dirt accumulated on the skin.

6.cold shower benefits and risks

Benefits of taking a cold shower

1. Benefits of taking a cold shower:
  • Increase the level of the hormone of happiness in the body: It was found that bathing for five minutes two or three times a week helps reduce symptoms of depression and increase the hormone of happiness.
  • Improving metabolism: Taking a cold shower promotes weight loss, due to an increase in the body's metabolism.
  • Improving the flow of blood circulation in the body: as cold water increases the work of vital organs in the body to balance its temperature, which causes an increase in blood flow in the body as well.
  • Resisting infection with some diseases: When taking a bath with cold water, the body stimulates white blood cells and thus helps in fighting infection with various diseases.
  • Bathing in cold water reduces stress: it increases a person's ability to adapt to stressful situations, lowers uric acid levels, increases glutathione levels in his blood, and makes him less stressed by external influences.
  • Coldwater increases a person's ability to wake up: if a person is accustomed to showering early in the morning with cold water, he will have already experienced the feeling of cold water on the body. Increased heart rate, thus increasing the feeling of activity and energy needed to wake up and do daily chores.
  • Improving the health of the skin and hair: One of the best things to improve the health of the skin and hair is taking a cold shower. It prevents the loss of natural oils from it, in addition to making it bright and shiny.
  • Activates weight loss: the body contains two types of fat, one of which is brown, which is a good fat that maintains a moderate body temperature, and the second type is white, which is the fat that is harmful to the body does not go away. away quickly, and when you shower with cold water, the brown fat reacts which increases the energy needed to keep the body warm, thus burning fat and calories.
  • Getting rid of the problem of excessive sweating: The problem of excessive sweating caused by high temperature and tension can be eliminated by taking a cold shower.

2.Cold shower dangers

There are damages to bathing in cold water in winter, and it is normal for a person to experience colds and fever if he does not warm himself immediately, or if the bath is not warm; Coldwater exposes his health to various problems. Once the waterfalls on the person's body, he feels shortness of breath and chills, and in rare cases, this may lead to cardiac arrest, especially if the person has had heart problems before, so it is advised not to take it in the winter. Take a shower with cold water. resulting from it.
