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How can you get rid of belly fat in 7 days

The dream of getting fit and getting rid of belly fat is the struggle of the modern age. It occupies its place among our daily priorities, losing it is something that haunts our minds all the time, and shedding calories is a dream that everyone dreams of.

This is because fat is a real problem facing a large percentage of people in the Middle East. So they were constantly looking for ways to get rid of belly fat.

Lower belly fat is annoying, spoils the appearance of your clothes, forces you to wear an improper size, and not only this but is also a major cause of many diseases.

Let's learn about the causes of obesity and the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, and the risks of low fat, and also learn How can you get rid of belly fat in 7 days and get rid of it, and we can achieve what we dream of removing belly fat in just one week? This is what we will learn in this article. 

Lose belly fat in 7 days

Causes of belly fat

Causes of belly fat

There are many reasons for the accumulation of fat in the abdomen and waist area, including:

Unhealthy eating

Unhealthy eating

Eating unhealthy meals leads to the accumulation of belly fat, especially eating a lot of starchy carbohydrates and harmful fats. Experts advise getting rid of belly fat by eating plenty of vegetables and lean proteins.

Eat small amounts of red meat and replace it with healthy fats found in fish, nuts, and avocados. It is also recommended to moderate the intake of pasta and sugars.



Belly fat accumulates under the abdominal muscles, under the skin, and around the vital organs, which is called "visceral fat". These fats cause many chronic and serious diseases and sometimes death.

Excessive eating of large meals is partly the reason for the accumulation of this dangerous fat, so it is recommended to eat 5 small meals throughout the day and at least three hours before bed.



Warning signs of the dangers of smoking appear on all types of tobacco products, including lung cancer, heart disease, and more. But one scientific study also showed that smoking may also lead to an increase in belly fat and visceral fat.

Fatigue and tension

Fatigue and tension

The hormone cortisol, which is secreted by the brain when a person is exposed to stress or stress in the body, negatively affects the functions of burning fat and calories.

Doctors advise avoiding stress by exercising, such as walking or swimming. Stress can also be controlled through meditation and yoga.

Not exercising

physical activity

Regular moderate physical activity is required to successfully lose belly fat. At least 150 minutes a week can be devoted to walking, for example, or 75 minutes to vigorous sports, such as running, as well as aerobic exercise at least twice a week.

Wrong exercises

Wrong exercises

Some resort to exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles, which is often a wrong choice, because these described exercises are not enough, and you need to train with weights.

It may not suit many people or cause joint, neck, and back problems. The desired can only be achieved by perseverance in walking, running, and swimming.

Energy Drinks

Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are high in sugar, which increases calories. These drinks lead to weight gain and thus the accumulation of fat around the waist. You should reduce your intake of these sugary drinks because they are high in calories, such as energy drinks and soda.

Not drinking enough water
Drinking water

Some studies suggest that drinking more water can greatly help you lose weight. Drinking water instead of sweetened beverages mean fewer calories. 

Drinking water can help reduce belly fat. It's also the only beverage that can hydrate without added sugars or other compounds.

Genetic conditions

Genetic conditions

Genes increase the chances of some people becoming obese. It also has a say in the area where body fat is stored.

There is still hope for the right balance between the number of calories people eat in their diet and the number of calories burned through exercise.

Because this can greatly help prevent weight gain, regardless of each person's genetics.

Staying up late

Staying up late

The disadvantages of lack of sleep and staying up late are not limited to those nights in the refrigerator, which provide a powerful stab at the heart of any diet he follows. But it also includes an increase in the body's secretion of certain hormones, such as the stress hormone, which encourages the body to retain fat.

Eat sugars

Eat sugars

Most people eat large amounts of white sugar without realizing it because sodas and sweetened drinks contain large amounts of sugar.

Studies have shown that this huge amount of sugary material pours directly into the abdominal area and contains a large number of calories, and helps to accumulate fat in the waist area.

Hydrogenated fats

Hydrogenated fats

These fats are not natural substances, but substances prepared by hydrogenation of oils (reaction with hydrogen molecules). These fats have many industrial benefits, they are cheaper than other natural fats.

It acts as a preservative that extends the shelf life of baked goods and food products. But it has a long-term harmful effect on health because it contains a large percentage of calories, as it causes obesity and the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area.

It also causes diabetes, impairs the action of the hormone insulin in the body, causes heart disease, atherosclerosis, and increases the risk of inflammatory and immune diseases.



Over the past years, technology has evolved, luxury has proliferated, and a sedentary lifestyle has led to increased rates of belly and waist fat accumulation.

Belly fat side effects

Belly fat side effects

Visceral fat increases your chances of developing diabetes and heart disease and reduces your body's sensitivity to the hormone insulin, which leads to your development.

Insulin resistance and some types of cancer.

Therefore, getting rid of flatulence is very important not only to maintain the external shape but also to health, as the large size of this area may be an indicator of many serious diseases.

If diets and sports fail to achieve abdominal fat loss, a hormonal imbalance, age, or other genetic factors may be the reason for this, and here are some of the reasons that may be responsible for this problem that worries many.

Reasons for not burning belly fat


As a person ages, his body changes in terms of gaining or losing weight or some other changes, as well as in terms of his daily calorie needs. With age, both men and women have trouble counting the required calories.

Women of an exact age even have to touch upon the matter of biological time, because the lady gains weight within the abdominal space once this stage, in keeping with Dr. Michael Johannes Vilhelm Jensen, academic of medicine at the dressing Clinic in America.

Exercising incorrectly
Exercising incorrectly

Running daily helps the heart, but it is not an effective way to get rid of belly and waist fat. Instead, weight lifting and strength training exercises should be done to double the muscle mass that defines the body and increases its burn.

Excessive consumption of processed foods

Processed foods

White bread, crackers, and chips, as well as the refined sugar in sweetened drinks and desserts, all increase belly size and fat buildup, while natural foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which are full of antioxidants, have anti-inflammatory properties, and thus may prevent belly fat.

Eating fat the wrong way
Eating fat the wrong way

The body's response to different types of fats varies in terms of the process of breaking down, there are saturated fats, meat, and dairy products that are difficult for the body to break down.

While "monounsaturated" fats such as olives. The oil, avocado, and omega-3s found in walnuts, sunflower seeds, and fatty fish like salmon help make them break down easily. The body needs to get rid of it faster. 

However, Kate Patton, a registered dietitian at the Cleveland Clinic, cautions against eating too much fat, as it can affect weight gain.

Not doing exercise 
Not doing exercise

To get rid of stubborn belly fat, you must intensify your exercises. A study published in the Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise confirmed that people who do vigorous exercise regularly can lose belly fat compared to their counterparts who engage in light sports.

Keep doing the same exercise 

Keep doing the same exercise

Continuing to perform the same intense and vigorous exercises is not the answer to getting rid of some of the few remaining percentages of belly fat, these exercises are suitable for a start. 

But at this particular stage, he recommends practicing functional exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles and expel the rest of the fat.



Lack of time, children, bills, and other sources of stress and pressure make it difficult for a person to lose weight and drop unwanted kilograms, especially in the abdominal area, due to the stress hormone “cortisol” that raises the level of the body sticking to fat and works to enlarge fat cells.

Not sleeping enough

Not sleeping enough

If you are among the 30% of Americans who sleep less than six hours each night, you will find it very difficult to lose weight.

Studies have found that people who sleep less than 6 hours are more likely to be overweight, so the National Institutes of Health recommends that adults sleep seven to eight hours each night.

Apple body

apple body

One of the most important features of the shape of the "apple body" is that the fat is concentrated in the abdomen, face, and chest area, with broad shoulders and thin legs, so that the body appears full from the top and thin from the bottom.

It's hard to get rid of belly fat, but it's not nearly impossible, says Sangeeta Kashyap, MD, professor of endocrinology at the Cleveland Clinic.


It can be difficult for a woman to lose weight if you have high levels of testosterone, which can happen with PCOS, and Dr. Kashyap stresses that having diabetes plays a role in the weight loss struggle.

Lack of commitment
Lack of commitment

If you want to lose belly fat, you should stick to a low-calorie diet with plenty of fiber and low amounts of carbohydrates and sugar, along with exercise.


How can you get rid of belly fat in 7 days

How can you get rid of belly fat in 7 days

Is it possible to lose belly fat in 7 days naturally? Yes really! It is possible. Belly fat or belly fat is one of the areas of the body where fat accumulates easily, and it can be difficult to get rid of it within a short period.

Belly fat accumulates as a result of overindulging in greasy food and lack of exercise. While fatty foods are an absolute must, it is also important that you indulge in some exercises to get rid of the extra fat most of which settles in your tummy, usually the lower abdomen.

However, with some quick and easy exercises, by following a vigorous diet plan and yoga, it will be easier to get rid of fat or tummy within a week. These exercises and diet plan

And you should practice daily and follow it up

 and see results in one week for that, we will help you look slim and fit in the contour of your belly so that you can wear that favorite outfit or sari and look beautiful. Here's how to get a better body.

Lifestyle change

Lifestyle change

The change will not be an easy task, but the demands do not give in to wishful thinking, as it is difficult to acquire proper eating habits, and the first step that you should be aware and well aware of lies in making the small choices that shape your lifestyle and following the appropriate diet for you.

Think of all the diseases you can avoid, all the clothes you will be able to wear every time you eat, follow a calorie-reduction regimen, and always do these steps.

Drink a lot of water
Drink a lot of water

Water is a very important component of health as it regulates the metabolism of the body. Keeping your body adequately hydrated helps flush out toxins and other harmful waste as well as prevent any fluid retention. This, in turn, helps reduce tummy tucks.

You will look thinner and smaller. So if you want to reduce belly fat in 7 days, just make an effort to drink enough water throughout the day, about 10 glasses a day.

Healthy food

healthy food

It is a complete myth that starving oneself will help shed belly fat and lose weight in just 7 days. Abstaining from food completely for 7 days will not help reduce belly fat.

But instead, it will put the body into a catabolic state where muscle tissue is broken down to generate energy. It is therefore important that women get a minimum of 1,500 calories per day while men require at least 1,700 calories per day.

Eat fresh fruit instead of fruit juice

Eat fresh fruit instead of fruit juice

Juices are devoid of the necessary fiber to regulate digestion and absorption, and they give you calories right away without taking away some of those calories during the digestive process.

For example, if you eat the juice of one apple without sugar, you get 46 calories, while a fresh apple gives you the same amount, but you lose about 40 calories during the process of eating and digesting it, which means that the apple gives you only 6 calories.

In addition, the slow digestion and absorption of the apple due to the fiber increases the satiety period and reduces the possibility of eating other foods; Whereas, fruit juice raises the concentration of insulin in your blood, which leads you to eat more sugars.

Eat fresh vegetables

Eat fresh vegetables

 It makes you feel full, regulates your digestive system, reduces the rise in the hormone insulin in your blood, reduces the storage and formation of fats in your body, and allows the burning of already existing fats, in addition to containing useful vitamins.

Stay away from preservatives

Stay away from preservatives

 Always and forever, you should follow a proper diet and choose unprocessed and uncanned items. Processed canned items contain taste enhancers rich in preservatives and salts that cause the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area, so avoid sugars, trans fats, and salts.

Increase movement and activity

Increase movement and activity

Reduces the possibility of fat accumulation in the abdominal area. Take short breaks during your work to move your body and renew your blood circulation, and try to use the stairs instead of the elevator and try to do some exercise, as exercise is the surest way to lose weight.

Try to maintain regular sleep periods

Try to maintain regular sleep periods

Sleep is very important to ensure good health in general. After a busy day at work, it is essential to get a deep sleep of 8 hours. When you don't sleep well, it interferes with your hormonal schedule and the effects can be worse than you can imagine.

According to many researchers, it has been confirmed that a person who sleeps less is more likely to develop obesity. Also, the scientist suggests that your sleeping and eating patterns are interrelated. So when you follow any diet and exercise to lose your belly in 7 days, get a good night's sleep for positive results.

Eat sugar

Eat sugar

Sugar is the main cause of flatulence. A high-sugar diet keeps the level of insulin high in the body, thus a person tends to feel hungry more. If you want to reduce belly fat in just 7 days, you must cut out sugar to keep yourself healthy

Here are exercises to get rid of belly fat in 7 days

There is no dispute that aerobic exercise, especially abdominal exercises, is the best way to get rid of fat, but this method is the most difficult and most stressful for most people. Walking, running, or using an orbital device.

Herbs that help burn fat

Herbs that help burn fat

Turmeric: It activates burning and helps prevent Alzheimer's disease and stimulates memory.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon reduces your craving for sugary substances, helps you feel full, and also helps increase fat burning rates and get rid of them.

Hot pepper: increases fat burning rates.

Cumin: One tablespoon of it daily helps to increase the burning rates to three times.

Ginger: Helps control insulin levels in the blood, reduces the craving for sugar, and increases fat burning rates.

Black pepper: increases fat burning rates, activates blood circulation, and contributes to fat loss.

Garlic: Rich in vitamins that stimulate blood circulation and facilitate the disposal and burning of fats.

Cardamom: Tonic for burning fat and stimulant for blood circulation.

Drinks to burn belly fat

Drinks to burn belly fat

One of the most important ways to get rid of calories completely is to eat healthy drinks. The best fat burning drinks are:

Water is the most important drink that can help you lose weight and get rid of fat.

Green tea: a stimulant for burning and helps to get rid of fat.

Parsley and coriander juice: It acts as a body purifier and detoxifier, increases the burning processes in the body, helps regulate hormones, and is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that protect against aging.

Dandelion: Increases burning rates and stimulates blood circulation.

Detox water: It is plain water in which slices of cucumber and lemon are soaked for at least two hours, and it helps to get rid of abdominal fat.

Apple cider vinegar: You can eat it with salad, and avoid eating it on an empty stomach because it may cause stomach ulcers with frequent consumption.


This drink helps in losing weight, slimming and getting rid of abdominal fat, and helps in regulating hormones and reducing menstrual disorders in women.

Getting rid of belly and waist fat

Getting rid of belly and waist fat

You may have been taking all the ways that should get you to shed stubborn calories and get the flat belly that you have always dreamed of, but some mistakes block your way and prevent you from achieving your goal, and the most important of these mistakes is if you:

  •  Not getting enough sleep
  • You are satisfied with abdominal exercises without others and without changing the diet
  • Eating large amounts of sugars such as sugar-sweetened drinks and soft drinks
  •  Not eating enough protein
  •  You are in a state of stress and anxiety, and you are in the midst of a lot of problems
  •  Expect quick results overnight
  •  Don't follow your results, you will soon lose your enthusiasm and stop trying
  •  Follow a very strict diet
  •  Too much pressure on your body
  • You have genetic or pathological reasons that prevent you from losing fat

